Business relocation in Armenia

Registration of companies and opening of accounts in Armenia

Registration of companies and opening of accounts in Armenia

Law firm Bergmann and Danielyan LLC

We offer professional legal, customs brokerage and accounting services!

Legal services
 Customs Brokerage
Accounting & Consulting Services

Meet Our Team

Our goal is to create a purposeful, responsible and reliable team and develop a culture that empowers to do the best performance of the assigned work.

Andranik Danielyan


Tamara Daryan

Senior Lawyer

Nare Melikbekyan

Legal Assistant

Anahit Makaryan

Chief Accountant

Amalya Khachatryan

Assistant Chief Accountant

Avadh Rajyaguru

Country Manager (India)

Brief Summary

Types of Business ownership
Benefits of Jurisdiction
Company registration deadlines

Key facts

Not included in the "grey list" of the European Union

Possibility of 100% foreign ownership

The company can open bank accounts in Armenian banks

Availability of free economic zones (FEZ)

Remote method of company registration

The minimum package of documents for company registration

Taxes in Armenia

Income tax rate: 18%
Tax payers:

  • Resident companies;
  • Non-resident companies doing business in Armenia through a permanent establishment.
  • Income from the production of agricultural products (until December 31, 2024);

There is 1 special taxation system in Armenia, in which:

  • Resident companies and individual entrepreneurs pay turnover tax instead of income tax and VAT;
  • The VAT rate in Armenia is 20%;
  • VAT applies to most goods and services, including imports.

An organization whose annual taxable turnover exceeds AMD 115 million is considered a VAT payer.

  • Some basic food items;
  • Educational services;
  • Educational materials;
  • Export goods are subject to a zero rate.

For imported goods, VAT is 20%. Exceptions: certain product categories. Deferral: VAT payment can be deferred for up to three years for goods imported under government-approved projects. Since 2015, Armenia has been a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) along with Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. Goods imported from these countries are exempt from import duties.

  • VAT: <5%;
  • The turnover tax replaces the profit and value added tax;
  • Taxpayers: small businesses with an annual turnover of less than AMD 115 million.

levied on imports of liquor, beer, wine, tobacco substitutes, crude oil, gas (other than compressed natural gas), oil and diesel fuel. From January 1, 2020, the excise tax, which was previously expressed as a percentage, has been replaced by new fixed rates depending on the number of goods.

Income tax on dividends

Employers in Armenia are required to withhold income tax and social security payments from income paid to their employees or contractors.

Income tax: a single fixed rate of 21% for Armenian citizens and foreigners (regardless of the amount of compensation)

Over the next few years, personal income tax will be gradually reduced to 20%, namely:

  • 20% from January 1, 2023

In addition to Income tax on dividends, employers withhold social security payments in the amount of:

  • 5% (income up to 500,000 AMD or about 1030 USD);

Calculation of the social fee the annual amount of the object is 15 percent for those with income up to 1,200,000 AMD, but not less than 60 thousand AMD.

Residents are taxed on their income from any country in the world, while non-residents are taxed only on their income from Armenia.

Residence permit in Armenia



Step 1. Visit to the country

Our driver will meet you at the airport

Step 2. Company registration

Our driver will meet Two working days, billed separately

Step 3. Opening an account with Unibank Armenia

On the day of the application, personal presence is required

Step 4. Registration of the lease agreement

During the day, personal presence is needed

Step 5. Making a social card

Two working days, personal presence is required

Step 6. Submission of documents for a residence permit

Consideration period – two months (you may not stay in Armenia, in that case you can submit the documents online)

Step 7. Obtaining a residence permit documents for a residence permit

One year renewable

Step 1. Conclusion of an employment contract

You must be employed in Armenia with an employment contract in Armenian (we can provide a form)

Step 2. Translation of the passport into Armenian

The translation must be notarized (can be ordered from us)

Step 3. Country visit

Your passport must have an entry stamp, our driver will meet you at the airport

Step 4. Registration of a social card

Two working days, personal presence is required

Step 5. Submission of documents for a residence permit

Consideration period – two months (you may not stay in Armenia, in that case you can submit the documents online)

Step 6. Obtaining a residence permit

One year renewable

Our specialists will accompany you at all instances. They will help you complete the paperwork and answer any questions.

Conditions for registering a company and opening an account in Armenia

Company Registration
Key features
Remote Company Opening
Accounting Services
Opening a Bank Account

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